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The Liar In chief Is Back

Feb 16

3 min read




I have been mute for several weeks trying to figure out what this wannabe Despot is about.

He has managed to rig the Supreme Court so he is untouchable whatever he does.

He has been enabled by almost every spineless Republican politician.

One of his many grievances over the last 4 years has been the big steal of the last election.

However he has managed to dupe enough people to give him unbridled power,which means he will soon

become a despot and will not relinquish power no matter what.

As a result he has stolen Democracy from the American People (Democracy is a very loose term as the electoral system in the USA . It is heavily biased and gerrymandered something not much better than a Banana Republic )

All his appointments are sycaphants completely unsuitable and without any qualifications or experience in the departments they control

The downsizing of the public service is a cynical move to muzzle any constraints on his whacky agenda.

He is scewing over long term allies with ridiculous tarriffs (by the way he has no understanding of who would bear the cost!

Being Billy the Bullshitter in chief his foreign policies are breathtaking in stupidity

Buying Greenland ?

Seizing the Panama Canal

Making Canada a state in the failed Republic (Thanks Phillip Adams)

Gaza solution what a doozy

He and the Isralie PM deciding Gaza was a demolition sit and USA should take possession piss off all the Palestinian to who knows where(no body care’s apparently anywhere will do)

The irony of all this is you have two leaders one who supplied all the bombs ant the other who Flattened Gaza both saying what a mess these Palastinians have no idea how to look after their property.

Ukraine what a hard deal has he done with Putin

I am privy to the two great men’s conversation

Ring ring

Vladimir Putin here how may I help

Billy Bullsitter replies

Greatest President of The United States Of America here how are you Vlad and do I have a deal for you on Ukraine.

What Deal

Well Vlad you get to keep all you have grabbed so far ,then we put a demilitarised zone maybe 100 miles on there side which you control and you can restart war whenever you are able to restock your forces.

Sounds good what about reparations

Billy continues

No problem I am telling Zelinski he needs to pay back for all the milatery aid we have given them.

Vlad replies

Ok sounds a very fair deal I think we can do this deal oh are you asking Israel to pay back their milatery aid ?


No that’s different


Is that it do we make an announcement


Oh one more thing Vlad as the final piece of the details will you as a measure of good will hand over all the surveillance footage of my little romp in Moscow back in the day

I don’t want the missus to see any of that shit

After a long pause Vlad replies

Will do Mr President although none of your scandals seem to harm you.



So there you have it


The late Neville Chamberlain will be smiling up above as he no longer holds the title of


Welcome to the podium Billy Bullshitter


Post Script

Now according to this wannabe King of the world apparently Ukrainian started the war and should roll over and give Putin (who many believe is a very nasty gay man) everything and more than he would have wanted.

This is akin to Britain starting WW2 or USA being responsible for Pearl Harbour!

What he spruked was again a pack of lies but being the coward he is it was released online.

Bernie Sanders (US senator with integrity a rare thing these days) has just released a video repudiating all the lies the Wannabe King spewed forth.

Bernie also recently made a great speech in the US Congress condemning the influence of these unelected Billionaires.

Not Fun Fact

3 of these sycophants have a combined wealth equal to the poorest 170 million Americans yet they want more power.

They want to slash Government spending and weaken any official oversight and as you would have already guessed cut tax on the wealthy!

I as you would know am not a conspiracy theorist however it is not much of a stretch to believe that ,

Billy Bullshitter is a Russian Stooge and Putin has taken control of The Good Old USA without any resistance at all .

God must have missed that one probably busy elsewhere

Just got a small brown package from Belarus

Haven’t ordered anything I will open later

Max On Tour

Feb 16

3 min read





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